Does "Healthy Eating" have you confused?

  • Do the ever-changing ‘rules’ of how to eat right leave you unsure of what to eat?

  • Sick of the contradictory expert opinions?

  • Confused by the perpetual stream of ‘the newest fad diet’?

Wouldn’t it be nice to have a clear approach on how to eat that will meet any health goal you have?


Healthy Eating Made Clear

A course to provide you a straightforward way to think about food that cuts through the diet misinformation.

The unfortunate truth about eating is it is confusing and complicated, and yet nothing is more influential on your health. Therefore, the right thing to do is take this course. This is valuable information you can’t afford to miss.

Who am I?

Dianne Rishikof, MS, RDN, LDN, IFNCP

I have been a registered dietitian and licensed nutritionist since 2005. I have guided thousands of clients from sickness to wellness. I use a personalized approach to treatment, however there is one type of eating guideline that forms the basis of everyone’s diet. I love teaching it to people, and seeing them gain clarity and then health. And now I have poured what I know into this signature course so you can access that information too.

A Lot of Research

just one guideline

There are a lot of research studies (and more come out every day) on what foods cause disease and what foods promote health. When you cut through all of it, one guideline shines through (and when ALL the research agrees on something, I listen).  Whether it is eating to prevent cancer, to heal the gut, to slow aging, to reduce inflammation or improve energy, they all have one thing in common. They are based on whole foods not processed foods.

I have educated 1000's of clients on this way of thinking about food and nourishing their bodies with great results. Now, I have put all this information into a course! 

What you'll learn:

  • What health conditions are caused or worsened by processed foods (hint: all)

  • What health conditions are improved by a whole foods diet (hint: all)

  • What your body actually needs and which foods provide it

  • Where do you find carbs, fat, and protein and which options of those foods are healthy and which aren’t

  • My easy tricks to understand if your foods are nourishing or not.

How the course is laid out:

  • There are 6 modules

  • Each module has a topic with an educational video and downloads

  • This is a learn-at-your-own pace experience. When you invest in the course, you get access to all the information. The downloads are yours to keep forever.

What you’ll receive:

  • 6 videos containing education and guidance by me

  • Health Takes Guts, Inc. client education materials

  • A comprehensive guide on added sugars

  • An extensive list of starchy vegetables to try

  • A 3 page protein handout, complete with personalizable calculations and a survey so you can see if you are getting enough protein

  • A rainbow (vegetable) evaluation to see if your diet has enough color

  • A 3 page booklet with healthy salad dressing recipes

  • How to build a good snack handout

  • 4 weeks of different types of menu/meal plans!

  • Practical advice on how to implement all this information


  • A non-perfectionist attitude check

  • A lot of wisdom and advice based on science and experience

Student Review

This is why I love offering this course:

I loved the Healthy Eating Made Clear course offered by Health Takes Guts!  I found such great information about the direct link between my health and the food that I eat!  It was eyeopening and so easy to understand.  With so much confusing and conflicting information about diet and foods these days, it was great to have a comprehensive course that made it simple to understand.  I loved the lists of food categories and examples, which I printed out so I could continually refer back to it.  I learned so much about processed foods vs. whole foods!  I have even made some of the recipes included with the course and they were all great!   I feel like this course really helped me get on the right track and made it easy for me to align my eating habits with my health goals!

The Investment:


Introductory Price!

$99 for a limited time!

3 Payment Options

Choose from 2 easy payment plans or get a discount when you pay in advance.