Digestive troubles?

Are you tired of struggling with:

  • Persistent bloating and discomfort?

  • Unpredictable bowel movements?

  • Constant brain fog and fatigue?

  • Embarrassing digestive problems?

You've tried it all:

  • Elimination diets: gluten-free, dairy-free, low fodmap, Keto, Paleo, GAPS, Whole 30

  • Supplement-heavy protocols

  • Expensive testing and treatments

Maybe you've seen some success. 

Diet and supplements do help. But, the diets are difficult..and restrictive. The supplements are overwhelming. And you Just. Don't. Feel. Fully. Better. 

You know there's something missing.

This course was made for you.

Introducing: Gut Freedom

Improve Your Gut Without Changing Your Diet

What if it wasn't WHAT you ate but HOW you ate and what STATE your nervous system was in?

Discover the missing piece to healing your gut:

  • WITHOUT restrictive diets

  • WITHOUT supplements

  • WITHOUT expensive testing

Learn how to truly liberate your digestive system and reclaim your health.

There's a better way.

Gut Freedom is a revolutionary 6-module online course that teaches you how to restore your digestive health without giving up the foods you love

This course focuses on the things that are generally ignored or overlooked, yet make all the difference! 

What You'll Learn:

  • The Root Causes of Gut Issues: Uncover the surprising lifestyle and environmental factors damaging your gut (it's not just about food!)
  • Self-Compassion for Nervous System Regulation: Discover how to use the power of self-compassion to calm your nervous system and soothe your gut
  • The Vagus Nerve - Your Gut-Brain Superhighway: Learn simple techniques to stimulate and tone this crucial nerve for improved digestion
  • How We Eat - Meal Hygiene and Timing: Master the art of mindful eating and meal timing for optimal nutrient absorption
  • Sleep and Meditation for Gut Health: Harness the healing power of quality sleep and meditation to support your digestive system
  • Movement for a Happy Gut: Explore gut-friendly movement routines that nurture your digestive health
  • Hydration and electrolytes: Super important for gut function

Who we are and how we can help:

Dianne Rishikof


Dianne is a holistic registered dietitian and licensed nutritionist for people who are desperate to get rid of the pain, discomfort, or unwanted symptoms in their body, but just don’t know how. Their issues may be in the gut (IBS, IBD, gluten sensitivity), the brain (ADHD/ADD, anxiety, depression, Alzheimer's prevention) or somewhere else (fatigue, inflammation, joint pain, high cholesterol, weight gain, headache, skin issues). Dianne is president of Health Takes Guts Inc. and has been in private practice for 19 years in MetroWest Boston practicing integrative and functional nutrition. Dianne is a national speaker and published author. She and her team see clients in person and also do video or phone sessions as a convenience for clients. Find more information at HealthTakesGuts.com.
Dianne Rishikof registered dietitian and licensed nutritionist

Christine Madzik


Christine is a holistic Registered Dietitian and licensed nutritionist who helps people overcome digestive disorders and the food anxiety that often accompanies them. She works with a whole host of conditions including Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD), Small Intestinal Overgrowth (SIBO), Candida overgrowth, Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD), Celiac Disease, Food Allergies, Adrenal Fatigue, Food Anxiety, and Emotional Eating. Christine takes a Health at Every Size (HAES) approach and helps her clients find greater attunement to their bodies in a supportive, non-judgemental environment. She has a private practice based in Eugene, OR. Find more information at ChristineRDN.com.
Christine Madzik registered dietitian and licensed nutritionist

Finally! A course that tackles essential-but usually-overlooked aspects of gut healing.

What Makes Gut Freedom Different:

  • It is full of the important stuff that doesn’t usually get addressed, like stress, sleep, hydration, and movement. 
  • No restrictive diets or expensive supplements required
  • Science-backed, holistic approach to gut healing
  • Practical, easy-to-implement strategies
  • Focus on sustainable, long-term solutions

Who This Course Is For:

  • Anyone struggling with chronic gut issues like IBS, bloating, or irregular bowel movements
  • Those who have tried diet changes and supplements without lasting success or complete success
  • People looking for a natural, holistic approach to digestive health
  • Anyone ready to break free from restrictive eating and find true gut harmony

What You'll Get:

  • 6 comprehensive video modules

  • 6 live group calls with the instructors plus recordings

  • Downloadable handouts and course slides

  • Guided meditations and breathwork exercises

  • Weekly Accountability

  • Bonus: Private community for ongoing support

  • All sessions recorded for later playback.

Don't spend another day suffering from gut issues. It's time to reclaim your digestive health and start living life to the fullest.

The Details:

This course is going to run live on Fridays at 1pm EST/10am PT for 6 consecutive weeks, starting on October 18th. 

During the Fridays at 1pm eastern zoom meeting, we will be discussing and educating on one of the topics and allowing plenty of time for questions and discussions. Each week will have a heavy emphasis on self-compassion and nervous system regulation. 

All sessions will be recorded for you to view later, if you are unable to attend live. 

Enrollment is open now and ends on October 16th. 

Enroll Now!

Enrollment is open now and ends on October 16th.

What People are Saying:

“I am deeply grateful for Christine and the time I had working with her. With her warmth, patience, wisdom, and support, I have found greater attunement with my body and made positive changes to my eating. I feel more in control and happier with how I am now nourishing my body, and it’s exciting to feel more creativity with meals and cooking too!”

“Having dealt with the ups and downs of an IBS diagnosis for nearly 15 years, I came to Dianne in the midst of a severe flare-up that 18 months and thousands of dollars of conventional care had not been able to tame. Her diagnostic abilities go well beyond “you have this, take that” to explore the complicated nuances of gut disorders. In addition, Dianne is able to discuss a much broader array of interventions than one would otherwise have access to. I’d already tried a raft of drugs and diet protocols to no avail, so Dianne worked with me to move forward with principled experimentation to see what sorts of additional behavioral change and supplements might have a positive impact. In what felt like a remarkably short period of time, we’ve managed to improve my gut health significantly and I’m no longer flattened by constant fatigue. Dianne is a delight to work with: committed, knowledgeable, and engaging. I would enthusiastically recommend her to anyone suffering from stubborn digestive issues.”

“Working with Christine has been so helpful for me in my health healing journey. She has been so validating, thorough, and patient with me and all my questions/concerns. I’ve had multiple professionals I’ve worked with trying to find the right match and she’s by far the most thorough and helpful and kind.”

“My health issues began pretty much as soon as I joined the world. As a kid I always struggled with stomach issues. I was tested for everything and we found out I had Celiac’s Disease. Though diet improved my health, I still did not feel great. My sophomore year of high school I was diagnosed with Lyme’s Disease. This led to multiple rounds of doxycycline and amoxicillin along with my 5 year battle of joint pain, fatigue, and the ever present stomach issues. I finally began seeking help, and was led to Dianne. She put me on a treatment plan, for the lifetime of stress my body’s been under due to the high amounts of antibiotics I had been on, and quickly began rebuilding my gut. Alongside the supplements Dianne recommended, I changed my diet and almost immediately began feeling a change! Within three months I felt like a new person. I have a new lease on life that I had never experienced before and began living a life without fearing of the pain that was coming. I am now studying abroad in France and have the freedom from suffering with fatigue, pain, or digestive issues.”

“Christine is a remarkable practitioner and incredibly tough love cheerleader. My gut has seen vast improvement and I have a much better understanding of how it works and what it needs. She is an amazing resource and takes a holistic view to understand what is going on and how to work with me as a client. I recommend Christine if you’re suffering from gut issues and not finding the answers you need from the gastroenterologist.”

“I began working with Dianne earlier this year following 3 years of escalating stomach issues and a sense of frustration that none of the tests or treatments from my doctor had improved symptoms far less explained or tackled the root cause. I had researched and read up on a variety of issues that I felt could be causing my problems but didn’t know where to start tackling this alone. On meeting Dianne and in the subsequent weeks of treatment my expectations were completely surpassed and I am delighted with the progress we have made in a relatively short period of time.

On first meeting I was dealing with chronic stomach pain, a variety of annoying and debilitating gut issues and increasingly frequent and painful headaches and migraines. Working with Dianne has dramatically improved my symptoms to the point that I no longer rely on my daily (and emergency!) doses of imodium and my headaches are a thing of the past.

Dianne is not only knowledgeable and pragmatic but relaxed and encouraging in her approach to discussing and tackling what can be emotive, irritating and embarrassing issues to discuss. She is available whenever I have had questions or concerns and been supportive in the inevitable speed bump moments when things don’t go to plan.  I am feeling great and I am shouting Dianne’s name from the rooftops.” 

“I came to Christine desperate for change and help. I appreciated her depth of knowledge and thorough attention to my specific nutritional needs. Her kindness and patience were integral in helping me understand where my body was at and where it needed to be. Eight months after I first met with Christine and because of her consistent guidance my labs are better than they’ve ever been. I can finally say I feel great!“

Enroll Now!

Open enrollment ends October 16th.

This course is going to run live on Fridays at 1pm EST/10am PT for 6 consecutive weeks, starting on October 18th.
Now only: $397